Monday, September 26, 2005

Why not?

Ok, so it's been a while since I posted. More about why later...

For now, I just want to humble myself and admit something. My starry-eyed dreamer tendency lives on amidst the skepticism that would try to silence it! And sometimes that dreamer thing makes me simply gullible! Just when I thought I had grown up, I came across a poetry contest e-mail that looked really good! I actually believed that they wanted to publish profound poetry, rather than sell me something which appealed to my need for recognition and flattery! I wanted with all my heart to provide them with profound poetry! I thought this could be destiny!!! I admit it: I fell in!

Funny thing, however, I really liked the poem that I composed on the spot as my entry. So, I am publishing it here in cyberspace for free, rather than in a global treasury which sells for $49.95 or something... Perhaps it will add a bit of inspiration to your day, and having you read it will certainly redeem the time I wased on filling out my entry form! Here it is, just what I was feeling on a gullible day: "Why not?"

Why not?

Why not,
When days morph into waking dreams
And nights go deep like blackened screams
Why not give up?

Why not,
As hope begins to wane
And passion pales but pain's the same
Why not grow cold?

Why not,
When data drains the soul
And chaos orders the banishment of control,
Why not fly away?

But why not
If love is anywhere ablaze
And sand still drops in hourglass haze
Why not try again?

Perhaps we find the signs and times
Lost along the grueling climb
When sparks of love are allowed to shine...
Why not?

That's it...and now that I think about it, maybe there are more poetry contests to enter for dreamers...? I'd probably enter one again... Hope is a valuable commodity in this age of cycnicism...Why not?


Estreitta said...
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Estreitta said...

That was an inspiring poem. It's kinda of funny. thought to my self to day I should go look at Perriane's Blog and see what's happening there...and lo and behold you typed something just a few hours ago. And the poem very great timing for me I should say! Keep up the good work... Poems really can really speak so much feeling in so few words!~